Our project partners gathered in Grenoble on 25 October 2023 in order to present REScoopVPP final results at the Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe 2023 (ISGT Europe 2023), one of the most attended conference on energy innovation.
In front of an audience of researchers, academic and industry representatives, EnergieID, REScoop.eu, Carbon Co-op, Ghent University and Ecopower presented the main outcomes of the project. The session was divided into 4 presentations.
(i) After Roland (REScoop.eu) made a brief recap' of the EU context for for energy communtiies an flexibility services, Vincent (EnergieID) introduced the partcipating cooperatives and the flexibility services supoprted by open source digital tools.
(ii) Joannes (Ghent Uni.) dived into home appliances interoprability showing how much effort was needed to offer cross)brand and cross-devices services. Sam (Carbon Co-op) explained the built to monitor and control appliances using the existing open source softaware Open Assistant.
(iii) Vincent then showed the communities flexibility solutions: COFYcloud Community Data and COFYTclould Virtual Price Matrix enabling energy community to simplify in to a single signal different signal from the grid (PV optimisation, dynamic tariff, explicit DSR). Clément (Enercoop) introduced the open source forecasting tool that supports their operation as a BRP and already shared with Enercoop and Som Energia.
(iv) Finally, Ine (Ecopower) made a review of the experiences of the different pillot cooperatives offering flexibility services to citizens., making a clear case in favor of these services, but highlighting that the market around domestic appliances connectivity was not mature enough.
The REScoopVPP consortium would like to thank the ISGT and the University of Grenoble in particular for hosting this event and for the opportunity tp meet such an interested audience.
The presentation slides of this event are available below.