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  • Deliverables

    Please find below an overview of the public deliverables of the REScoopVPP project.

    Pilot definition

    18/11/2021- 1.3 Pilot definition

    This deliverable provides an accessible summary of the research activities the REScoopVPP project is carrying out in five test countries: Belgium, France, Germany, Spain and UK.


    Coding Guidelines and Documentation

    14/06/2021- 6.2 Coding Guidelines and Documentation 

    This deliverable is a brief reference, documenting the websites and repositories that contain the coding guidelines and documentation of the REScoopVPP-tools.

    Integration of smart control methods for legacy

    28/05/2021- 2.4 Integration of smart control methods for legacy

    This deliverable describes the mathematical models developed for and used in the smart control strategies for legacy equipment, namely long life-cycle devices (electrically prepared hot water storage, T2.1) and PV and battery inverters (T2.3). Additionally, they describe how the models and control strategies have been integrated into the Community Flexibility (COFY) ecosystem.

    Pilot sites description

    27/05/2021 - 5.2 Pilot sites description

    This deliverable gives an overview of the current status of the five pilot sites of the REScoopVPP project (Belgium, France, Germany, Spain and UK).

    COFY-box final design/specification

    05/02/2021 - 3.1 Final design/specification

    This deliverable describes the final design and specification of the Community Flexibility-box (COFY-box) - one of the key components in the wider REScoopVPP technical system and crucial to enabling the wide range of business and technical use cases and customer value propositions found in REScoopVPP.

    Pilot site test methodology

    29/01/2021 - 5.1: Pilot site test methodology

    This deliverable describes a test methodology which should be interpreted by the pilot sites as a generic guideline, and must be translated into its own specific objectives and circumstances. It ensures a scientific basis for the real-life tests and a similar and comparable progress per pilot site, which facilitates the comparison of the individual results.

    Data Protection Approach

    21/12/2020 - 7.3 Data Protection Approach

    This deliverable highlights the REScoopVPP chosen approach to ensure data security and data privacy towards data subjects, based on the requirements of the GDPR

    Project branding,website and social media

    31/11/2020 - 7.1 Project branding, website and social media 

    This deliverable gives an overview of the branding tools that will be used to communicate about the project in a consisted way. It entails the REScoopVPP logo and associated dissemination templates, the project website and social media channels.

    Installed pilot sites description

    28/11/2021 - D5.3 Installed pilot sites description

    This report describes in detail the types of building and related assets, use cases and test plans used in each of the 5 pilots of the project


    First Policy and market recommendations

    12/09/2022 - D7.7 First Policy and market recommendations

    These recommendatiosn consist in an asssment of the existing regulatioj in place in different EU countries related to energy sharing.


    Pilot testing and evaluation results

    30/11/2023 - D5.4 Pilot testing and evaluation results

    This report provides the results of the testing of the differtent UCs in the 5 prilots of the project


    Final Policy and market recommendations

    08/12/2023 - D7.9 Final Policy and market recommendations

    This report provides an overview of barriers and drivers for energy community to peform flexibility services. It includes a set of 35 observations, takeaways and recommendtaions.



  • Newsletters

    A look trough our published newsletters

    Newsletter #1

    # Issue 1 - May 2021

    The REScoopVPP project is celebrating its first year of activity.

    Newsletter #2

    # Issue 2 - November 2021

    The REScoopVPP project is approaching its midpoint.

    Newsletter #3

    # Issue 3 - April 2022

    COFYboxes are being installed in Spain and the United Kingdom. 

    Newsletter #4

    # Issue 4 - September 2022
    More about the testing in our pilots in Belgium and the UK.

    Newsletter #5

    # Issue 5 - May 2024

    REScoopVPP came to an end: Hackathon, lessons learnt & follow-up discussions.